Monday, April 30, 2012

Vitamin D news

Sunscreen Use May Lead to Vitamin D Deficiency

 Last Updated: April 27, 2012.

Using the amount and sun protection factor of sunscreen recommended by the World Health Organization is associated with little or no vitamin D production, suggesting that regular sunscreen use may lead to vitamin D deficiency, according to research published online April 18 in the British Journal of Dermatology.
FRIDAY, April 27 (HealthDay News) -- Using the amount and sun protection factor (SPF) of sunscreen recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is associated with little or no vitamin D production, suggesting that regular sunscreen use may lead to vitamin D deficiency, according to research published online April 18 in the British Journal of Dermatology.
Annesofie Faurschou, M.D., Ph.D., of Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark, and colleagues conducted a study involving 37 healthy volunteers with fair skin to measure serum vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) levels before and after exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation following sunscreen application. Sunscreen with an SPF of 8 was applied on approximately 25 percent of body area at a concentration (thickness) of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 mg/cm². A fixed dose of UVB of three standard erythema doses was given 20 minutes after sunscreen application every two to three days, for a total of 4 cycles.
The researchers found that thinner sunscreen layers were associated with higher vitamin D serum levels after UVB exposure. However, vitamin D levels did not significantly rise after UVB exposure in those treated with the thickest layer of sunscreen (2 mg/cm²), which is the level recommended by the WHO.
"In this study, we demonstrated that the vitamin D serum level increases in an exponential manner with decreasing thickness of sunscreen layer in response to UVB exposure. To our knowledge, this relation has not previously been described," the authors write. "Our results suggest that sunscreen use according to the current recommendations by the WHO may be re-evaluated."
 Vitamin D Council 1241 Johnson Avenue #134 · San Luis Obispo · California · United States · 93401
~ Gencho

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How do I know the kids are vitamin D deficient?

Vitamin D Council

March 16th, 2012


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The difference between two "normals"
March 16, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD

In a paper the press ignored, well-respected researchers from three different hospitals on the east coast recently reported on high blood calcium levels in three infants and toddlers with rickets who were given vitamin D. The reasons for the high blood calcium, all of which were trivial, were not clear from the paper at first, at least to me.

Vanstone MB, Oberfield SE, Shader L, Ardeshirpour L, Carpenter TO. Hypercalcemia in Children Receiving Pharmacologic Doses of Vitamin D. Pediatrics. 2012 Mar 12.

Before we talk about this recent paper, it is important to remember that (in a paper you are free to download and read in its entirety) the entire country of East Germany had a lot of experience with “pharmacological” (very high) doses of vitamin D in children. Unbelievably, for several decades, every child in East Germany went to the doctor every 3 months where the child received 600,000 IU of vitamin D. All the kids in the entire country got it every three months until the child was 18 months old. That means in the first year and a half of life, every child in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) had a total dose of 3.6 million units of vitamin D.

Markestad T, Hesse V, Siebenhuner M, Jahreis G, Aksnes L, Plenert W, Aarskog D. Intermittent high-dose vitamin D prophylaxis during infancy: effect on vitamin D metabolites, calcium, and phosphorus. Am J Clin Nutr. 1987 Oct;46(4):652-8

That is way too much as the paper above documents but the amazing thing is that only about 1/3 of the children got high blood calcium and none got clinically toxic. In fact, the authors reported, “All the infants appeared healthy . . .” However, they were not all healthy; some had calcium levels as high as 13 mg/dl, too high but far from fatal. The key, and this is critical, is that the range of calcium considered normal in East Germany was 9.4 to 11.2 mg/dl and these were ranges borrowed from Norway. In the USA, “normal” ranges are 9 to 10.5 mg/dl.

How do we get these calcium ranges? We take several thousand vitamin D deficient children, measure their calcium and use a Gaussian distribution to calculate “normal.” How do I know the kids are vitamin D deficient? Because virtually all the kids in the USA are vitamin D deficient, thanks to video games, the sunscare, and sunblock. For the first time in human history, we are raising a generation of indoor children. Because calcium and vitamin D are connected, such children will have slightly lower calcium levels than would several thousand truly “normal” kids. Therefore, we use the abnormal to calculate the normal.

Next comes my second reading of the recent “toxicity” paper. All three children had rickets but their “hypercalcemia” was all below 11.2 mg/dl. That’s right, none of the children had high blood calcium. They had a calcium level that reflected the fact that someone detected their rickets (rather rare) and gave them the correct amount of vitamin D (total doses of around 150,000 IU), hardly the “pharmacological” doses the authors reported. If they want pharmacological doses, they should take a time train back to East Germany. Pity our children, now, because of these three case reports, children desperately in need of vitamin D will not get it, not because of a conspiracy, but due to the failure to know the difference between normal and normal.

Copyright © 2012 The Vitamin D Council, All rights reserved.

The Vitamin D Council
1241 Johnson Ave. #134
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Thursday, March 15, 2012

More on Vitamin D

Vitamin D Council

March 13th, 2012

Mercola tanningBioTech Supplements
This newsletter is in part made possible by the support of our sponsors
Vitamin D may ease menstrual cramps
March 7, 2012 -- John Cannell, MD

Painful periods or dysmenorrhea are a common problem today. Millions of women suffer 4-7 days of severe abdominal cramps together with irritability, insomnia, depression, and generalized pain requiring medications like ibuprofen and antidepressants. Dr. Antonio Lasco and colleagues at the University of Messina in Italy took the first step in what I predict will be a major trip forward in relieving the suffering of these women by publishing their results from yet another randomized controlled trial.

US News & World Report 2/29/2012 Vitamin D3 Might Ease Menstrual Cramps

Antonino Lasco, MD; Antonino Catalano, MD; Salvatore Benvenga, MD Improvement of Primary Dysmenorrhea Caused by a Single Oral Dose of Vitamin D: Results of a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(4):366-367. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.715

First, the authors found that the lower the vitamin D level, the worse the periods. Second, the authors found that a single dose of 300,000 IU of vitamin D (equivalent to 5,000 IU/day) had dramatic results in relieving dysmenorrhea over the next two months. These results came despite the average baseline levels being around 30 ng/ml, a relatively high vitamin D level for a group or population. However, the paper came with a sensible warning in the form of an editorial, saying that no one should take 300,000 IU in an effort to stop painful periods based on one trial.

Elizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson and JoAnn E. Manson Vitamin D for Menstrual and Pain-Related Disorders in Women: Comment on “Improvement of Primary Dysmenorrhea Caused by a Single Oral Dose of Vitamin D” Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(4):367-369

I do not recommend taking a 300,000 IU mega dose. I understand the usefulness of a single high dose in a clinical study (you make sure everyone takes the medications), but I believe vitamin D should be taken daily, not every two months. The Vitamin D Council recommends 5,000 IU/day, which should raise blood levels to the 40-60 ng/ml range (a loading dose of 10,000 IU/day for ten days is also reasonable if your periods are really bad).

This is, in essence, the same dose they used in the study, spread out over two months. Although it is purely speculative, there may be a different optimal range for improving dysmenorrhea but that awaits further study. The good news is that approximately 5,000 IU/day had dramatic effects on of the most disabling conditions suffered monthly by otherwise healthy woman. Way to go Italy with yet another randomized controlled trial, which are now numbering over one hundred or so.

The cost of vitamin D blood tests

How much more does it cost the medical system to have doctors order vitamin D blood tests? Already, both Canada and Medicare have limited doctor’s ability to test for vitamin D deficiency because the tests cost too much. How much do they cost in the picture of total health care costs?
The stunning answer from Dr. Beth Baily and colleagues at East Tennessee State University is that frequent vitamin D blood tests mean lower, not higher, total medical care costs. That’s right, ordering more vitamin D tests means lower total health care costs.

The researchers looked at the medical records of about 400,000 veterans from six VA medical centers in the Southeastern United States to find about 15,000 veterans who had a vitamin D level checked. Then they added up the total number of subsequent visits (inpatient and outpatient) and the total subsequent health care cost for each veteran, vitamin D tested or not.
As expected, outpatient costs were a little higher for veterans who had vitamin D testing. Then came the real shocker: inpatient costs were from 70% to 300% lower for veterans who’d had the vitamin D tests. The study also showed that the veterans who have been tested and effectively treated for their vitamin D deficiency have the lowest yearly inpatient costs, while the sites that have done the least testing had inpatient costs nearly triple that. While the authors were quick to point out vitamin D did not explain all of this huge difference, it clearly seemed to explain at least some of it and leaves one with the tragic reality that some of our veterans are dying needlessly.
I was so glad to see that the authors write, “The (local) VAMC has made a concerted effort to educate local health care providers regarding vitamin D deficiency over the past few years.” They went on the say, “Immediate implementation of this recommendation is highly desirable.” I agree. This is a public health problem that needs to be immediately treated with public health measures, including better sun exposure guidelines, supplementation guidelines, and food fortification.
Hats off to Drs. Beth Bailey, Todd Manning, and Alan Peiris, and my apologies to the others in the Tennessee VA system that I missed. They have discovered reduced total health care costs in veterans are associated with more vitamin D testing and less expensive subsequent hospital stays. They are government servants of the highest order. Therefore, it appears that Medicare has cut off its nose to spite its face, limiting vitamin D blood tests to save a little money, thus assuring that total costs of treating the elderly will be substantially higher. Now, how can we get this information to President Obama?

About John Cannell, MD

Dr. John Cannell is founder of the Vitamin D Council. He has written many peer-reviewed papers on vitamin D and speaks frequently across the United States on the subject. Dr. Cannell holds an M.D. and has served the medical field as a general practitioner, itinerant emergency physician, and psychiatrist.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Recent Report Highlights Growing Dangers of Anti-Inflammatory Medications

In the Sept. 27, 2011 posting of the Biomedical Central Journal: Family Practice, R.J. Adams and colleagues commented on concerns raised by the common prescribing of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, particularly with respect to their important and sometimes fatal adverse side effects. 

They state, "Non-steroidal anti-inflammation drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most common causes of reported serious adverse reactions to drugs, with those involving the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT), the cardiovascular system and the kidneys being the most common. Much of the focus on NSAID adverse effects has been on GIT consequences, with good reason. A U.S. study found the rate of deaths from NSAID-related GIT adverse effects is higher than that found from cervical cancer, asthma or malignant melanoma."1 They also point out that frequent use of NSAIDs increases risk for high blood pressure, chronic heart failure, as well as serious cardiovascular events (with certain NSAIDs).
Studies show that the risk of suffering these adverse side effects is increasing among the elderly and those with co-morbidities. The researchers cite recent evidence suggesting that the burden of illness resulting from NSAID-related chronic heart failure may exceed that resulting from GIT damage.1
Adams, et al., also cite evidence from a recent Danish population study, which suggests increased cardiovascular mortality among people without a prior history of heart disease, but who frequently use NSAIDs. This seems to be particularly true for diclofenac and ibuprofen. However, the baseline cardiovascular risk of people in this study was not reported. The researchers also note that NSAIDs promote the rapid deterioration of renal function. As such, national medical guidelines recommend avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs, including NSAIDs, in people with chronic kidney disease.1

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Monday, February 6, 2012


FEB 15, 2012     11AM-3PM

JOIN US-- support your self in being healthier YOU!


Monday, January 30, 2012

You are NOT a number.

We are not the numbers on our weight scale. The scale is a scource of measurement, but it does not DEFINE who YOU are as a person. The moment you are in alignment with this thought, and focus on YOU and creating who you are, the action will follow. For some people, they will see it in the measurement on the scale, others will see it in the clarity of thier life passion, but only YOU will see what it is for you. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


Our first Video--- check us out.

This week, we have a mini contest. Sign up to follow us with email or blogger ID and you will be entered to win a prize. This is one of the MAIN ways we want to get the word out to our store with upcoming events, programs, prizes, ect. This is the place where we want your family to be involved as well. So please sign up (on the right side of the blog).

Friday, January 13, 2012

“If you like what you’ve got, honey, keep it!”

The Original Naughty Nutritionist
The incomparable Dr. Hazel Parcells (1889-1996)

Dr. Parcells was a feisty redhead with straight shooting advice. “Honey, if you are ever to be healthy and stay healthy, you’ll have to trade your wishbone for a backbone and get to work.”  Excellent advice on many levels, including broth making! To those who would argue with her every recommendation, she replied simply: “If you like what you’ve got, honey, keep it!”   

A total original with a talent for chopping and slicing through nutritional dogma, she had little patience with most health “experts,” saying that they were unteachable because their cups were already full. She broke the rules of establishment nutrition by recommending red meat, raw milk, butter, no soy and no margarine. And she understood body/mind/spirit medicine long before it became popular.

I am deeply grateful to The Doctor because I took her advice and became healthy. I noted that she earned several advanced degrees after the age of 50 and gathered the strength to go for my own PhD. I was so intrigued by her findings about the health problems caused by soy protein and soy margarine that I researched and wrote The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food. As for her naughtiness, she set a high bar for wit and wisdom delivered with a wide smile, knowing winks and infectious laughs. I especially love her reply to a question about whether one could go to Europe and enjoy a healthy continental breakfast:   “If it’s a roll in the hay with your honey, yes!”        
Though her quotes are priceless, it is her story that I find most inspiring. The verdict Hazel Parcells heard in 1931 was not good. Incurable tuberculosis, a collapsed lung, a hemorrhaging kidney and an enlarged heart.   Curable, said the learned MDs, only by death.   

She responded by firing the doctors whose 18 years worth of efforts had left her with a deteriorated body and depleted bank account. “They told me there was nothing more they could do for me, and I took them at their word,” she said. Though only given a few months to live Parcells looked forward to the chance to experiment on herself and learn what her body needed.  “One thing was certain, I wasn’t going to get any worse.”     

Sixty four years later Parcells died in January 1996 at the age of 106 years young.  She was, according to Joseph Dispenza, author of Live Better Longer: The Parcells Center Seven-Step Plan for Health and Longevity (Harper San Francisco, 1997) “vibrantly and vigorously alive.”  A sharp dresser who favored bright colors, she was proud of her curly red hair and patronized a beauty shop just a few days before her death, enchanting all who were there. 

When Parcells began her healing journey in 1931, she was very much on her own.  Few alternative therapies existed and there were few health books to read.  “Out of necessity, to keep myself well, I began to study the chemistry of food,” she told Dispenza.  First, she tuned in to her own body. 

Listening to her inner voices, and hearing the words “fresh” and “green,” she began eating the only green vegetable available in quantity in Colorado at that time -- spinach.  Though her consumption rivaled Popeye’s she rejected the canned  variety for raw, steamed and juice.d  parsley and other greens followed and six months later Parcells was perky enough to report back to Fitzsimmons Army Hospital near Denver to show herself off to the doctors who had condemned her to death. 

Her energy soaring and mind wide open to possibility.  Parcells made it her life’s work to explore the field of health and healing.  Drawn to many ideas that appeared -- and perhaps still appear-- improbable or impossible to establishment scientists, she ran her own laboratory and also explored homeopathy, light and color therapy, radionics, Bach Flower Remedies and other modalities.  She earned four advanced degrees, including doctors of chiropractic and naturopathy and PhDs in nutrition and comparative religions.

In time, word of the Doctor’s unusual methods and miraculous healings spread.  “From the first, I recognized her as a master healer and pioneer, far ahead of her time,” said Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Beyond Pritikin (Bantam, 1988), Guess What Came to Dinner: Parasites and Your Health (Avery, 1993) and other books. Parcells introduced Gittleman to many of the underlying causes of disease and malnutrition in the late 20th century, including parasite infestation, pesticide poisoning, mineral deficiencies, radiation sickness and aluminum and other heavy metal toxicities.

“I never heard of her methods not working,” said Sam Berne, O.D., the Santa Fe-based author of Creating Your Personal Vision: A Mind-Body Guide for Better Eyesight (Color Stone Press, 1994).  “Her reputation was impeccable.  She didn’t work with disease. She just cleaned up the body.”  And she never spoke of “cures.”  “Only taxidermists and undertakers do curing,” she told Dispenza.  “As for miracles, no it’s just nature’s way.”

The doctor’s most frequently used methods included fasts and bowel cleanses, parasite riddance programs, therapeutic baths and food cleansing baths. Food cleansed using the Doctor’s special methods gain levels of freshness and energy that belie that reality of long transports and extended stays on supermarket shelves.  According to Parcells’ measurements, untreated foods  -- whether commercial or organic -- generally rate so low in life energy that they can scarcely support health   The same foods cleaned with the Clorox bath, however, become health promoting.  Parcells also designed special lights incorporating magnets that help clear foods of negative energies  -- including the “fear” energy left in the flesh of slaughtered animals.  Known as Thea Lites or Balancing Lites, they also raise the energy of foods -- such as milk, salt or Chinese takeout -- that could not survive a Clorox soak. 

Radiation was another of her deepest concerns. She said she found it everywhere in America, even in remote, beautiful locations such as Sapello, NM, where she lived during the last few years of her life. Accordingly, she recommended that people clear themselves several times weekly with sea salt and baking soda baths and as soon as possible after X rays or plane trips. “She would say, “You can’t stay dry if you keep going out in the rain,” said Larry Martin, a friend and follower who worked closely with her during her last few years of life.   “You clear it but it comes back because you are exposed.”

“Doing this work, you start to really know what the environment is like,” said Terry Kast, who followed Parcells for two decades learning her methods and who teaches workshops in Albuquerque. “She found high readings nearly everywhere of dioxins, arsenic trisulfate, cobalt 60, you name it.”  In her final years, the doctor also began detecting mutant viruses, mutant fungi and other microbiological aliens.  Night after night she worked in her laboratory seeking and praying for remedies, only to catch yet another mutation a few months later.

Over her 65 year career, Parcells recognized many of her peers but esteemed very few.  She especially admired Dr Weston Price and illustrated points with the photographs in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Parcells was also drawn to another dentist -- Royal Lee (1895-1967) a nutritionist, inventor and forward thinker who exposed the adulteration and commercialism of our food supply.

Despite her long career and unquestionable success, Parcells was little known to the general public.  One reason was that she preferred to work in peace.  Another, she did not want to butt heads with the FDA, the AMA and other medical police.  “She kept a low profile because of her unorthodox work,” said Gittleman.  “She was very, very careful.  She had students, not clients or patients.  She didn’t want to be made a spectacle of like Ruth Drown, Max Gerson or Royal Lee.” All three were persecuted for their pioneering work. 

Indeed when Dispenza first discussed a book, Parcells resisted saying that the world wasn’t read and her message would be misconstrued and mocked.  She agreed to work with him, however, when her spirit guides told her to get the information out to as many people as possible.   So glad that “no” became a “yes.”

© copyright 2008 Kaayla T. Daniel.
The Naughty Nutritionist™

The following is excerpt from the book "Live Better Longer" by Joseph Dispenza.

 “If you like what you’ve got, honey, keep it!”
When I met Dr. Hazel Parcells I was a reasonably healthy fifty-year-old man who watched what I ate, exercised vigorously three times a week, and in general took care of myself. I used food supplements off and on. I had given up smoking cigarettes a few years before (it had been very difficult, and I lapsed back a few times). Every couple of months, to "tune up," I went to an acupuncturist for a treatment. I rarely suffered any illness more than an annoying cold, and when one came, it didn't last long. I had been hospitalized only once in my life, when I was nine, to have my tonsils out. Still, I was twenty-five pounds overweight-something I just couldn't shake all my adult life (I had been an overweight child). My blood pressure hovered in the "borderline-high" area. I used antacid mints a few times a week and a stronger antacid liquid if my stomach got really irritated. I drank a lot of coffee, took aspirins to calm down, and used sleeping pills to get to sleep at night. My energy level was just so-so; if I could fit in an afternoon nap, I would.
And something else: in the past two years I noticed that my skin had begun to turn progressively darker. In short, I was one of the "half-healthy."
Cleaning House
Dr. Parcells put me on a detoxification and rejuvenation program that lasted eight days, and amazing things began to happen. First, my skin cleared up, from a dark brown to a healthy glowing pink-at the end of the eight days my skin actually looked like the skin of a baby. My weight became manageable: I lost twelve pounds doing the week-long program. I gained back four pounds in the week after I was finished with the program, stabilized for a month, then began to lose an average of two pounds a month after that until I reached my proper weight.
My energy soared. My blood pressure measured normal. I found I could work for several hours at a stretch without wanting to take a nap and get through the day and night with no help from drugs of any kind-including those I had considered rather harmless ones like caffeine, indigestion candies, laxatives, and aspirins.
I also had a new outlook on life. I felt revived, eager for challenges, ready to start off in new directions. I felt that whole worlds of possibilities were waiting for me--doors that had been closed were swung wide open. A kind of expansion of spirit came over me.
What I had experienced was not only a physical cleansing, but also a deep emotional, psychological, and spiritual cleansing.
I had never felt better in my life. The cleansing program Dr. Parcells recommended for me literally "cleaned house," as she Said, and allowed my body to take over the work of healing itself-naturally, easily, and effectively.
In my case, the liver was congested and clogged with poisons, to the point where it wasn't able to do its best work of processing and purifying. The blocked-up liver had caused a slowdown of my ability to burn food, especially fat, thus keeping me overweight. Its decreased function also had caused accumulations of unassimilated foods, food supplements, and medicines to putrefy in me, further bogging down the liver's activity; the result was that a variety of aches and pains were surfacing from a number of places, my sleep was being hindered, and my skin had darkened to a complex-ion that looked turbid, congested, and unhealthy.
"If you take your foot off the brake, your car will go faster," Dr. Parcells said to me when we went over the results of my eight-day adventure. It was a lesson I learned by doing, and the outcome was more positive than I could have imagined.
Dr. Parcells developed her cleansing program in the 1950s and 1960s. She recommended it to people who came to her sincerely wanting to turn their health around. It was always the first step for all her health-building plans.
The Parcells Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program works at the cell level. It is not a simple stomach evacuation or bowel cleanse. It is not a mere rest-from-food regime for the internal organs. It actually loosens and removes toxic wastes that have been stored in the body for years.
This program works on many levels to clean the whole person. Its impact on the physical level is the most obvious and the most dramatic, of course, but it also clears blockages on the emotional level (or the emotional body, as some are calling it) and affects many other aspects of a person's life, including one's psychological and spiritual sides. If anger and resentment have been stored in the body for many years, they are given the opportunity of leaving at this time. If some self-destructive psychological patterns have gotten stuck in the mind and have spilled over into the body, they can dissolve during this program.
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106 Years!

To Your Health!

Gencho Ivanov