Thursday, January 5, 2012

Have no Fear, Geno is Here!

Geno’s Raw Super Grub


3-4 tbsps Almond Butter (use the one freshly ground from the machine; do not buy nut butter in jar)
1-2 tbsps Honey
1 cup Carob powder
1 tsp Kelp powder
Pinch of Real Sea salt
A handful of smile + seeds, nuts, dry fruits, and a pinch of good attitude + dry and fresh herbs: almonds, walnuts; dates, raisins; sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds …

Let me define “a handful”:

1 measuring cup of almonds
1 measuring cup of walnuts
1 measuring cup sesame, flax, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
½ cup of raisins
6-7 dates

The rest is positive intent!

Tools you will need:

Coffee grinder - to grind the seeds and the herbs
Bowl, large enough, to soak the almonds (and other hard nuts)
Food processor – to finely chop the nuts and the dry fruits, and to mix “the dough”
Cutting board – to work with “the dough” and shape it to your expectations
And (by default) both of your hands ;O)


For the “meal”:

1. Soak the almonds overnight. This will make them easy to digest.
Put them in a large bowl, cover with purified water and go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, discharge the water in the sink and dry the nuts with paper towel…
2. Use a coffee grinder and grind the seeds (and herbs if you’d like to use any) on powder.
3. Finely chop the walnuts in the food processor.
4. Add the almonds, dates and raisins together in the food processor and chop them.
4. Add the already grinded seeds, kelp, ½ of the carob powder and the sea salt in the food processor and mix well together with the nuts and fruits.

How to make the “Grub”:

Place the “meal” in a medium size bowl. Mix with the honey and the Almond butter and start kneading the stuff until it reaches the consistency of slightly thicker dough.

Note: You can make “the Grub” in the food processor too and then to knead and shape it with your hands. It is up to you.

Spread “the Grub” on the cutting board covered with the other half of the carob powder and roll it so it will not be sticky and will be easy to work with. Shape it in one of your favorite forms. Cut it in small bites or keep it whole and place it in the freezer for 1 hour.

Something very important you should know:
The subtle energies in the “Grub” require positive attitude in the process of making.  Avoid making the “Grub” if you are tired, upset, stressed out or nervous. The strong emotions are bad for the body’s harmony - the “Grub” will multiply the energy of the present moment and will not help you but make it worse.
Think positively!

How to eat it:
Sit, take a deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds and slowly exhale; relax for a few seconds. Take the smallest possible bite, close your eyes and try to catch the essence of the “Grub”. Take your time.
The rest… well the rest will be there for you…


To your health,


1 comment:

  1. Geno!!! I love it!! Thanks for sharing-- seriously so awesome. :-)
